
Showing posts from June, 2020


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31 simple wellness tips for healthy & happy living

This post contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission on your purchase, at no additional cost to you. We only share products or services we personally use and recommend! Sometimes it can feel like maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an overwhelming challenge that doesn’t fit within the realities of daily life. It’s tough to hold down a full-time job, eat well, train for a marathon, make homemade green juice, spend quality time with your family/partner, and meditate for an hour each day. 😰 Of course, healthy living can incorporate all of these things (if you want it to), but it doesn’t have to be defined by grandiose displays of health and fitness. So much of healthy living is really made up of small things we do daily—things that are so small they don’t feel momentous, but that, done consistently over time, add up to produce big results. Here are 31 tips to live a healthier, happier lifestyle— all simple, easy things that can be seamlessly incorporated into you...

immune system booster

Image     Your body (including your immune system) runs on the fuel you put into it. That’s why eating well, along with several other good-for-you behaviors, is so important. iStock Put simply, it’s your immune system’s job to defend your body against illness and disease. The complex system is made up of cells in your skin, blood, bone marrow, tissues, and organs that — when working the way they should — protect your body against potentially harmful pathogens (like bacteria and viruses), and limit damage from noninfectious agents (like sunburn or cancer), according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Think of the immune system as an orchestra. For the best performance, you want every instrument and every musician in the orchestra to perform at its best. You don’t necessarily want one musician performing on double speed or one instrument suddenly producing sound at twice the volume it usually does. You want eve...

Eating more protein and healthier carbs

Eating more protein will help you maintain or lose weight. Protein takes longer to digest and will keep you feeling fuller longer. Be mindful of the types of protein you incorporate in your diet. Processed meats, due to their additives and high salt content, are not healthy. Poultry, lean meats, and fish and seafood tend to be better choices, especially when baked, grilled or broiled with little or no added fat. Remember, too, that carbohydrates are also essential, but knowing the difference between healthy and not-so-healthy carbs will help you make good choices. Highly processed carbs should be avoided, or, at the very least, eaten in moderation. Whole grain bread and pasta are much wiser choices. If you must choose one over the other, know that protein provides more sustenance than carbohydrates.

physical wellness

Image Physical wellness promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. There are many elements of physical wellness that all must be cared for together. Overall physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition and mental well- being to keep your body in top condition. Obtaining an optimal level of physical wellness allows you to nurture personal responsibility for your own health. As you become conscious of your physical health, you are able to identify elements you are successful in as well as elements you would like to improve.